Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu! Manga

Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu!

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Alternative(s):Faulty Attribute Earth Magic;;;;;;I Was Banished to a Desolate Region Because of the Faulty Attribute Earth Magic, so I’m Going to Put in my All to Develop my Territory!

Author:Ushiono Mizuki



Status: Ongoing

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Genre(s): Monsters , Action , Romance , Adventure , Magic , Isekai , Fantasy , Web Comic , Adaptation


Ecto, the third son of the Count Glenreed family, received the skill \"Earth Magic\" during his coming-of-age ceremony. Earth magic, which is not suitable for combat, is also called the \"failure attribute\". He was disowned and appointed as the lord of the ultra-remote Boda Village. However, thanks to \"a certain secret\", Ecto devised a way to use earth magic that ordinary people would not have thought of! Together with his bodyguard female adventurer party \"Advancing Wings\" and his companions, they defeat magical beasts, clear up forests, cultivate fields... Thanks to earth magic, Boda Village undergoes remarkable development!?

Ecto, the third son of the Count Glenreed family, received the skill \"Earth Magic\" during his coming-of-age ceremony. Earth magic, which is not suitable for combat, is also called the \"failure attribute\". He was disowned and appointed as the lord of the ultra-remote Boda Village. However, thanks to \"a certain secret\", Ecto devised a way to use earth magic that ordinary people would not have thought of! Together with his bodyguard female adventurer party \"Advancing Wings\" and his companions, they defeat magical beasts, clear up forests, cultivate fields... Thanks to earth magic, Boda Village undergoes remarkable development!?

Hazure Zokusei Tsuchi Mahou no Sei de Henkyou ni Tsuihousareta no de, Gangan Ryouchi Kaitakushimasu! Chapter List