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Alternative(s):トリアージX; 急救识别X; TriageX

Author:Satou Shouji

Artist:Satou Shouji


Status: Ongoing

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Genre(s): Action , Ecchi , Mature , School Life , Shounen


At first glance, Arashi Mikami appears to be a normal, albeit socially awkward, 17 year old high school student. However, he's actually part of a secret vigilante organization known as Black Label, a group dedicated to executing power-hungry criminals the law refuses to deal with. Unfortunately, taking down a crime lord isn't always an easy task, and there are bound to be consequences for any action...

This is the action-packed story of the trials of Arashi and the people close to him.

At first glance, Arashi Mikami appears to be a normal, albeit socially awkward, 17 year old high school student. However, he's actually part of a secret vigilante organization known as Black Label, a group dedicated to executing power-hungry criminals the law refuses to deal with. Unfortunately, taking down a crime lord isn't always an easy task, and there are bound to be consequences for any action...

This is the action-packed story of the trials of Arashi and the people close to him.

TRIAGE X Chapter List
The series TRIAGE X contain intense violence, blood/gore,sexual content and/or strong language that may not be appropriate for underage viewers thus is blocked for their protection. So if you're above the legal age of 18. Please click here to continue the reading.