
    Genre(s): Comedy, Seinen, Slice Of Life, Ecchi

    Updated Time: Sep 05, 2022

  • Little President

    Little President

    Suzumoriya Co., Ltd. is a Jam company whose the president is still elementary schooler. This is a comedy depicting the interaction between the loli president and the employees on this stage.

    Genre(s): 4-Koma, Comedy, Ecchi, Slice Of Life

    Updated Time: May 10, 2020

  • Love Live! - An Ear-to-Ear Smile Without Saying Anything (Doujinshi)

    Love Live! - An Ear-to-Ear Smile Without Saying Anything (Doujinshi)

    Links: Author's Pixiv

    Genre(s): Comedy, Doujinshi, Ecchi, Oneshot, Yuri

    Updated Time: Sep 24, 2018

  • Lollipop


    Pokémon Doujinshi

    Genre(s): Doujinshi, Oneshot, Shounen Ai

    Updated Time: Oct 21, 2018



    Uncle Three loves good food, good booze, good card games, and bad women--and he's never found a grave he wouldn't rob. He can't help it--it's in his blood--grave robbing has been the family business for centuries.

    So when his bookseller nephew comes to him with a map to an ancient tomb, Uncle Three sets off to find it, in the company of some grave-robbing colleagues, his nerdy nephew, and a strange poker-faced guy that nobody can quite figure out.

    Uncle Three knows that the grave he seeks will lead him and his companions to "another kind of world," but not even he could ever imagine what they are about to find. Lost in a labyrinthine cavern that is full of dead bodies, Uncle Three and his comrades fight for their lives as they come up against vampires, corpse-eating bugs, and blood zombies.

    (Source: ThingsAsian Press)

    Genre(s): Adventure, Mystery, Seinen, Supernatural

    Updated Time: Nov 13, 2018

  • King Started

    King Started

    Year 2018, a multiplayer survival shooting game became very popular with over 50 million players at a given instant... withing this game is a player... "King" The man the myth , the legend. Unrivaled and undefeated !!

    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Fantasy

    Updated Time: Jun 07, 2019

  • Shingeki no Kyojin - Child of the Stars (Doujinshi)

    Shingeki no Kyojin - Child of the Stars (Doujinshi)


    Genre(s): Doujinshi, Drama

    Updated Time: Jan 17, 2019

  • Yowamushi Pedal - Dis Condition Green (Doujinshi)

    Yowamushi Pedal - Dis Condition Green (Doujinshi)

    Pairing: Toudou Jinpachi x Makishima Yuusuke Because Maki-chan’s hair color seem to leave black stains, he worries to the point he can’t ride properly. Maki-chan and Toudou are not dating, but seems to be unaware of the unrequited love. Unlike most printings, this is done in two colours.


    Updated Time: Jan 08, 2019

  • Harry Potter dj - Sigma 0.35 (Doujinshi)

    Harry Potter dj - Sigma 0.35 (Doujinshi)

    Pairing: Snape x Harry


    Updated Time: Jan 14, 2019

  • Harry Potter - Tentaikyu-gi (Doujinshi)

    Harry Potter - Tentaikyu-gi (Doujinshi)

    Pairing: Snape/Harry


    Updated Time: Jan 13, 2019

  • Harry Potter dj - Pi (Doujinshi)

    Harry Potter dj - Pi (Doujinshi)

    Pairing: Lucius x Snape, James x Snape


    Updated Time: Jan 14, 2019

  • Harry Potter dj - Sigma (Doujinshi)

    Harry Potter dj - Sigma (Doujinshi)



    Updated Time: Jan 14, 2019

  • Harry Potter - Tokinuke Memorial (Doujinshi)

    Harry Potter - Tokinuke Memorial (Doujinshi)

    Pairing: Harry x Snape x Harry


    Updated Time: Jan 14, 2019

  • Harry Potter dj - Tokinuke Memorial

    Harry Potter dj - Tokinuke Memorial


    Genre(s): Doujinshi, Drama

    Updated Time: Jun 01, 6000

  • Snowflake


    A Fate/Grand Order: Cosmos in the Lostbelt Kadok & Anastasia doujinshi.


    Updated Time: Jan 14, 2019

  • BanG Dream! Garupa☆PICO Comic Anthology

    BanG Dream! Garupa☆PICO Comic Anthology

    The fun, lively days of the Chibi Garupa cast, brought to you by a wonderful group of creators! Anthology release date: 2018/03/14 "Let's Work Your Body" by Tamekichi released as one-shot in magazine Gekkan Bushiroad 2019/02 Contributing artists with their SNS: Spoiler Abe Kanari https://twitter.com/kanariabe ISHIDA Aya (石田彩) https://twitter.com/ayaisida Kazawa Yohei https://twitter.com/YoheiKazawa Kazahana Chiruwo https://twitter.com/chiruwo3 Kosugi Koutarou https://twitter.com/KouKosugi Kongari Pasta https://twitter.com/pasta_12 Shiba Yuusuke https://twitter.com/yusukeshiba Zunda Croquette https://twitter.com/zundacroquette Take Shinobu https://twitter.com/takesinobu Dr. Pepperco https://twitter.com/pepperco Tamekichi https://twitter.com/kamin_tanuki Tsuchii https://twitter.com/sandwich1110 Nishi Asuka https://twitter.com/asuka_24 PAPA https://twitter.com/papa0123 Fujishima Shinnosuke https://twitter.com/sinnosukef Mattaku Mosuke https://twitter.com/mmousuke Miyajima Seiya https://twitter.com/miyaji_maseiya

    Genre(s): Comedy

    Updated Time: Mar 09, 2021

  • Yuri!!! on Ice - Hasetsu's Troublemaker (Doujinshi)

    Yuri!!! on Ice - Hasetsu's Troublemaker (Doujinshi)

    A Gen AU story, with the characters portrayed as kids or kindergarten teachers, with a slight touch of Viktuuri anyway.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Shounen Ai, Slice Of Life

    Updated Time: Apr 01, 2019

  • Poem of Hell Confession

    Poem of Hell Confession

    ENG: By virtue of a painting, a professional DJ at the broadcasting station, a famous TV host with high EQ and an ordinary student at the college of fine arts are associated together. He compels her like a demon from the hell, but the other man cares about her like an angel. Who is the Mr. Right to protect her? RUS: Первый работает диджеем на серьезной радио-станции, второй — ослепительно прекрасный телеведущий, иногда не владеющий эмоциями. Она же — обычная студентка Академии Изобразительного Искусства. Что их всех объединяет? Любовь к живописи. Вот только диджей, как адский демон, давит на неё авторитетом, а ведущий, словно ангел, заботится о ней. Так кто из них действительно её оберегает?

    Genre(s): Action, Fantasy, Romance

    Updated Time: Dec 04, 2019

  • Kuroko no Basuke - AK Working Warning (Doujinshi Anthology)

    Kuroko no Basuke - AK Working Warning (Doujinshi Anthology)

    Aomine x Kagami Occupation Anthology 1. Yawarakana Monotachi (Those Soft Things) - Tochiya Aomine, Kagami and Momoi work at a tofu factory. Aomine explains why his true calling in life is to work with tofu... 2. Aomine-sensei no Otoshikata (How to Score Dr. Aomine)- Epo Kagami, a salesman for Seirin Pharmaceuticals, visits Teikou Hospital to talk to the doctors about business, lucky items, and snacks. 3. Valentine's Day is Just Around the Corner - Rai Aomine finally gets a chance to talk to the part-timer at the chocolatier he's been interested in. Aomine is smooth. So very smooth. 4. Maid Tenshi (Maid Angel) - Mano Riko has had it with Kagami and Aomine breaking hoops and demands that they pay for the damages. Kuroko suggests the perfect job for them. 5. Harvest of Love - Nupuri Kagami, a farmer, finds a drunk office worker at the station and decides to bring him home. 6. Private Teacher - Kudou Hiroto Kagami's asked for help with schoolwork from Aomine since he was young but there's something he's never noticed until he asks Aomine for help with calculus. 7. Koi to Hasami to Towa Shimei (Love and Scissors and Perpetual Designation) - Haruna Kagami is a novice beautician trying to get regular customers but he's too awkward at making conversation. One day a host walks into the beauty salon at which Kagami works. Note: Novel part of the anthology. 8. Ashita wa Yasumi! (Tomorrow's a Day Off!) - Furuta Yago Aomine invites Kagami to stay over since Kagami has no way of going home. They haven't seen each other in a while so they're both excited but... 9. Untenshu-san to Guide-san (The Driver and The Guide) - Yanase Kagami is a bus tour guide and Aomine is the bus driver. Their passengers are from an all girls' school. Awkwardness abounds. 10. Angel manufacture - Natsuki Yuu Kuroko's android, Kagami, is malfunctioning so Kuroko calls Aomine, a mechanic, to see what's wrong. 11. Tomodachi de sae nai (We're Not Even Friends) - Yano Yukio Aomine's been frequenting a DVD rental store to see Kagami but their relationship is stuck at the level of customer and store employee. 12. Sono Otoko, Kyoubou ni tsuki (Violent Bodyguard) - Fujii Shinogu Kagami just wants to go to his part-time but his family butler, Kuroko, insists that he takes a bodyguard with him. 13. Would you marry me? - Aoyama Nijiwo Kagami and Aomine work part-time at a wedding hall with Momoi and Kuroko. Kagami contemplates their future as basketball players and as a couple. 14. Lunch Time Rendezvous - Keita By chance Aomine visits the cafeteria in his office building where he finds the most delicious food he's ever had.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Shounen Ai, Slice Of Life, Yaoi

    Updated Time: May 16, 2019

  • Omegaverse (Anthology)

    Omegaverse (Anthology)

    A collection of stories: 1.) Hajimete no Omegaverse「はじめてのオメガバース」 by Shibamoto Yoshiharu 2.) Tsugai no Yumei 「ツガイノウンメイ」 by FUJIMINE Shiki 3.) Bukiyouna Kedamono「不器用なケダモノ」 by TSUMUGI Ai 4.) A Gentle Cage「ゆるやかな檻」 by SAKURAI Nanako 5.) Koi to Unmei no Sankaku「恋と運命の△」 by TOMOE Kiko 6.) Boku no Shiawasena koi 「僕のしあわせな恋」 by Miniwa 7.) Kimifobia no Yaban「キミフォビアの野蛮」 by KITAHALA Lyee 8.) Omae no Uragawa「お前の裏側」 by MIKOSHIBA Tomy 9.) Asanori「あさのり」 by Mokko Drastic 10.) Alpha Complex 「アルファコンプレックス」 by SAIKI Makiko

    Genre(s): Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shounen Ai, Slice Of Life, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Jun 05, 2019