From Eternal Dream:

    Older brother, Ikusa, is great at fighting, but is better at housework. Younger brother, Mikado, harbors feelings for his older brother. But Mikado can't get his feelings through with a direct attack, so he uses Ikusa's weakness, alcohol, to get his way...!!! Even cousins Riki and Miyako and little sister, Konomi-chan, get sucked into the craziness of this erotic comic series.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Smut, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Nov 05, 2016

  • Tokyo Yaban Gaiden - Geboku Shounen Bushi

    Tokyo Yaban Gaiden - Geboku Shounen Bushi

    Tomoe Kuchiba has been sent by his Father to honour the long-held tradition of protecting the head of the Mitsugi clan. Mamoru Mitsugi proves to be anything but receptive to this offer -- what with running a Host Club where all the girls are really boys, who has time for such old fashioned nonsense? And why would Mamoru require protection? Mamoru is, however, anything but what he appears -- much like those he surrounds himself with such as Takashi Shinohara, Nananshi, Katsuragi, and Konome from Dr. Ten's prequel "Map of Tokyo Savage". Mamoru is not going to make Tomoe's job easy at all! Mind, he never makes life easy for anyone including himself!

    Genre(s): Comedy, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 07, 2020

  • Is It So Wrong?!

    Is It So Wrong?!

    Older brother, Ikusa, is great at fighting, but is better at housework. Younger brother, Mikado, harbors feelings for his older brother. But Mikado can't get his feelings through with a direct attack, so he uses Ikusa's weakness, alcohol, to get his way...!!! Even cousins Riki and Miyako and little sister, Konomi-chan, get sucked into the craziness of this erotic comic series.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Jul 05, 2020

  • Tokyo Yaban no Chizu

    Tokyo Yaban no Chizu

    When Takashi Shinohara, aka "Devourer of Evil Spirits", and his intriguing associates of exorcists rescue a young boy from possession, they face more than they bargained for. Takashi's haunted past surfaces by way of a rather perverse organization of fellow exorcists with an agenda all their own. Are a simple minded incubus, a seemingly mild-mannered teahouse owner, and a man with "no name" and a mysterious past enough to help Takashi face his foes and even himself?

    Genre(s): Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 04, 2020

  • Nase


    1-3) Nase 4-5) Labyrinth of the Cursed Eye 6) I Want Nothing A boy meets a serial killer.

    Genre(s): Psychological, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Nov 16, 2020

  • Aijin Ichiman Yen

    Aijin Ichiman Yen

    A homeless boy is taken in one night by a stranger, but this stranger doesn't give charity. So, what does he want? Sex--and lots of it. Can our homeless hero handle his new master's libido? What will he do now that his master wants to sell him? What about his master's horny younger brother? And most importantly of all, what the heck are their names?

    Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Aug 31, 2020

  • Tokyo Yaban no Chizu - Full Max (Doujinshi)

    Tokyo Yaban no Chizu - Full Max (Doujinshi)

    Sketch type manga of two stories. The first is from the Koisuru-Map-Passage universe. There's this little physical change incubi endure when they're stressed out and boy, is Takashi Shinohara feeling the stress these days, what with taking care of a home during the day and slaving for that Okama bar owning bastard, Mamoru Mitsugi at night. The second story is an original work involving two boys on a very hot summer day with speculations on how to cool themselves down -- riiiiight.

    Genre(s): Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 04, 2020

  • Koi no Kekkai

    Koi no Kekkai

    Story 7 – Have a Nice Day: It was love at first sight for Yajima with his neighbour, Tachibana when he moves in. But little does he know that Tachibana has a kid, who is constantly crying at night. How will he deal with this situation?

    Genre(s): Comedy, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 04, 2020

  • Kaoru Maniac

    Kaoru Maniac

    Akihito's can hide nothing from his lover, Kaoru. That's because Kaoru's nose can decode anything, with the slightest smell he knows what you ate for breakfast yesterday and where, who you've met with, or if anything is wrong with your body. Akihito met with some guy that day, and Kaoru smelling something weird with him, forbade Akihito ever to see the guy again. Why would Kaoru do such thing?

    Genre(s): Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 04, 2020