• Dreams of the Days

    Dreams of the Days

    "To be honest, my dream is erotic, but it is horror as well..." Howon is a high school student who lives with his sister and his mom. As his dad passed away, his sister is supporting the family. He starts having very vivid erotic dreams, involving his current best friend, Jihyung, and his former one, Changwoo. Now, he must try to figure out if he is gay and the way this might affect his already frail family. Howon remembers the time Changwoo helped him in a fight, years before, making them become close friends and maybe more than that. As his friend Jihyung also has some important news to share, Howon's life becomes an emotional and sexual rollercoaster.

    Genre(s): Romance, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Jun 05, 6000