On the first day of high school, Haruhi Suzumiya make an announcement that stunned everyone: "I don't have any interest in ordinary people. If anyone here is an alien, time traveler, slider, or esper, please, come see me! That is all."

    Kyon, a totally normal human who happens to have the misfortune of sitting at the desk in front of Haruhi's, wondered at first if she was joking. But Haruhi Suzumiya is always serious. Always. In any case, Kyon certainly never intended to get involved in her antics. But when a casual conversation accidentally gives Haruhi the idea to form a club dedicated to the discovery and investigation mysterious phenomena, Kyon finds himself already in over is head, especially when Haruhi makes him her first recruit. Other members of the club include Nagato Yuki, a quiet, bookish girl; Mikuru Asahina, an all-too adorable girl chosen by Haruhi to be the club's "mascot"; and Koizumi Itsuki, an always-smiling boy chosen by Haruhi to play the role of "mysterious transfer student". And so the SOS Brigade is born!

    Things only become weirder and more difficult for Kyon, however, when he finds out the Haruhi has unknowingly surrounded herself with the very people she has been wishing all this time to discover: Nagato Yuki's actually an alien, Asahina Mikuru's a time traveler, and Koizumi Itsuki's an esper! And why have all of these people appeared in the first place? Why, for Haruhi, of course! Three years ago, Haruhi caused some sort of disturbance that each one of them finds worth investigating. And Kyon, for whatever reason, seems to be the only "normal" one in the whole group. His biggest question: why him?

    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy, Mystery, Romance, School Life, Sci-fi, Shounen, Slice Of Life, Supernatural

    Updated Time: Oct 23, 2016



    After cleaning the science lab at school, Kazuko Yoshiyama unexpectedly discovers she has the ability to jump back and forth through time.

    Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural

    Updated Time: Oct 26, 2016

  • Kanojo nikubittake

    Kanojo nikubittake

    聡明叡智、博学多才、眉目秀麗の男子高校生・郭一郎を知らない者はいない。 支持率100%の生徒会長で、彼女は学園一の才女。まさに完全無欠のスター! だが眩しすぎる男には”影”がいる。一郎が”完全”であるために存在する男・郭二郎だ。その存在を知る者は“誰一人いない”。そんな存在感ゼロの郭二郎が一つの生首と出逢い、日常が急速崩壊!圧倒的指示待ちボーイとエキセントリック生首ガールが織りなすドタバタサスペンス! There is no one who does not know Guoichiro, a boy high school student, Guoichiro, who is a great high school student, and Hakumei is a great man. A student chairman with 100% approval, she is the best girl at Gakuen No.1. Exactly perfect star! However, a man who is too dazzling has a "shadow". It is a man, Guo Jiro, who exists because Ichiro is "perfect". The person who knows the existence is "no one". Such presence zero Guo Jiro encounters one life neck, everyday collapses rapidly! The slapstick suspense that the overwhelming instruction waiting boy and the eccentric raw neck girl weave!

    Genre(s): Action, Sci-fi

    Updated Time: Jun 01, 6000