• Yanko to Boushi

    Yanko to Boushi

    Yanko and The HatYanko's little adventure with to get the hat.


    Updated Time: Jun 18, 2017

  • Inconvenient Daily Life of the Super Sonico

    Inconvenient Daily Life of the Super Sonico

    Super Sonico. Living in Musashino, Sonico's many roles include college student, vocals and guitar in a 3-piece girl band, and gravure model. And now she gains a new title. This is the extraordinary tale of a girl who becomes a few sizes bigger than before.


    Updated Time: Jun 09, 2020

  • Kingdom of the Z

    Kingdom of the Z

    Встречайте старшеклассниц, что страшнее самих зомби! Прошло четыре дня с тех пор, как в мире вдруг объявились зомби. Главный герой, Сато Масару, едва не погиб на территории школы и был грациозно спасён двумя старшеклассницами: Сэкигахарой Мики и Нагири Карин. Даже в такой ситуации их хладнокровие было непоколебимо, и Сато вздохнул спокойно, пока не узнал истинных намерений данной парочки!.. Эти безбашенные девчонки не прочь пролить чью-то кровь и круче самих зомби! Начинаем свежую, полную переполоха историю о создании государства!


    Updated Time: Jun 05, 6000



    Встречайте старшеклассниц, что страшнее самих зомби! Прошло четыре дня с тех пор, как в мире вдруг объявились зомби. Главный герой, Сато Масару, едва не погиб на территории школы и был грациозно спасён двумя старшеклассницами: Сэкигахарой Мики и Нагири Карин. Даже в такой ситуации их хладнокровие было непоколебимо, и Сато вздохнул спокойно, пока не узнал истинных намерений данной парочки!.. Эти безбашенные девчонки не прочь пролить чью-то кровь и круче самих зомби! Начинаем свежую, полную переполоха историю о создании государства! English: Spoiler Five days after the sudden appearance of zombies... The protagonist, Masaru, who is having it rough surviving at school, is splendidly saved from this predicament by high schoolers Sekigahara Miki and Nakiri Karin. Though Masaru is at first relieved, he ends up realizing their true intentions...!!


    Updated Time: May 17, 2020

  • Tsubame Tip Off!

    Tsubame Tip Off!

    A new highschool student with a complex about her height - Tsubame. Being unathletic and clumsy, she seeks to join a cultural club, and despite her height she gives off the persona of a small and shy girl. Enter her upperclassman, Ibis, a small girl with a big presence, who suddenly invites her to the basketball club?!

    Genre(s): Comedy, Drama, Shoujo Ai, Sports

    Updated Time: Jul 09, 2023

  • Delta of Midsummer

    Delta of Midsummer

    A timid girl who would rather stay quiet than challenge her peers. A popular boy who tries his hardest to live up to other people’s expectations. A strange boy who is content to stay in his little bubble. And the summer that will change their lives.

    Genre(s): Psychological, Romance

    Updated Time: Jan 26, 2020

  • Kakekara Hajimaru Sayonara no Koi

    Kakekara Hajimaru Sayonara no Koi

    "I bet if it's you, it's possible. Try to go after the Ice Iron Lady!" Nao Yoshinaga, an office lady known as the "Ice Iron Lady" in her company because of her cool and practical way of doing her job. One day, she overheard her seniors making a bet with Satomura to make Nao fall for him. Unbeknownst to them, Nao has had a crush on Satomura for years...! "...But, isn't this my chance?" Even if it's a bet, a chance is a chance! A romantic comedy between a woman full of fantasies and an indecisive gentle man!

    Genre(s): Comedy, Romance

    Updated Time: Apr 28, 2023

  • Hatsu Deto

    Hatsu Deto


    Genre(s): Oneshot, Romance, Web comic

    Updated Time: Nov 13, 2023

  • BanG Dream! - Hatsu Deeto (Doujinshi)

    BanG Dream! - Hatsu Deeto (Doujinshi)


    Genre(s): Oneshot, Romance, Doujinshi, Web comic

    Updated Time: Nov 13, 2023

  • Tonari no Hyakkai Kenbunroku

    Tonari no Hyakkai Kenbunroku

    Something happens to Katagiri Jinpachi late one night when he unwittingly wanders into the youkai market. The only one who knows what it was seems to be one Harada Oriza, a famed painter of youkai portraits. But he is not talking, and Jinpachi only grows more frustrated and confused as he tries to return to the market and find out what he lost... or gained there.

    Genre(s): Drama, Horror, Mystery

    Updated Time: Feb 05, 2024