• Los chicos del verano

    Los chicos del verano

    Han pasado 33 años desde que el mundo se lleno de zombies. Sin embargo, ha aparecido un chico de nombre Lee Ji-seung cuya sangre puede curar a los zombies y por ello es adorado como un ángel guardian para su gente. Ji seung, quien adimira la era Zero (cuando no habian zombies), se siente de extrañamente atraido cuando esta cerca de un hombre al quien recien han despertado de su sueño y que lleva por nombre Jeon Ho-gyeong.

    Genre(s): Romance, Sci-fi, Shounen Ai

    Updated Time: Jun 01, 6000

  • The Boys of Summer

    The Boys of Summer

    33 years have passed since the world filled with zombies. However, a boy named Lee Ji-seung, whose blood can heal zombies, appears. For this, he is worshiped as a guardian angel to his people. Ji Seung, who admires the Zero era (when there were no zombies), is strangely attracted when he is near a man who has just been awakened from his dream and who goes by the name of Jeon Ho-gyeong.

    Genre(s): Romance, Sci-fi, Shounen Ai

    Updated Time: Jan 17, 2022

  • Endless Your World

    Endless Your World

    The near future where reality and virtual reality are not separated. The story of people fighting to protect the value of their essence in a world where fake and real are mixed

    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Thriller

    Updated Time: Sep 13, 2020

  • Gyeongseong Detective Agency

    Gyeongseong Detective Agency

    In Gyeongseong, the city of glittering lights and glamorous desire, Gyeongseong Detective Agency has opened its doors at No. 45, District 1, Myeongchijeong. Sohwa, a 16-year-old servant girl, has nothing to her name but her wits and bravery. When she accidentally gets caught up in a secret scheme, she meets Jeong Haegyeong, a young man running his own detective agency. Chased by memories from the past, they must work together to clear her name.


    Updated Time: Apr 27, 2024