Gisin, who appeared suddenly like a ghost, said something ridiculous like do you want to be my wife... Soon after, ghosts became visible to Eunah and started to chase after her wanting to eat her.

    Genre(s): Horror, Josei, Mystery, Romance, Shoujo, Supernatural, Webtoons

    Updated Time: Feb 01, 2020



    Orginal Webcomic

    by ManyakTrans

    Ha Gyeongsoo fell inlove and confessed to Choi Yuel, who in turn, asked to date him. Everything was going fine until one day Yuel had him raped by his friends.

    Genre(s): Mature, Webtoons, Yaoi

    Updated Time: Sep 07, 2022

  • Cat in a Cardboard Box

    Cat in a Cardboard Box


    Genre(s): Romance, Supernatural

    Updated Time: Aug 31, 2021

  • Love Shuttle

    Love Shuttle

    There’s a late bloomer, and then there’s a *late bloomer.* Doyun may be half Omega, but he certainly doesn’t look it: he’s tall, chiseled... But the worst of it all is that he’s a full-grown adult male who has yet to go into heat. He doesn’t see the problem, and everyone assumes he’s an Alpha, anyway. But when his body finally decides it’s “time,” it just happens to be at the most inopportune moment. He has no-one to turn to but his work rival, Taehan – but thankfully, Taehan is more than man enough to help him out.


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  • Cat In Cardboard Box Bahasa Indonesia

    Cat In Cardboard Box Bahasa Indonesia

    Setelah kehilangan anjingnya yang setia, Winter, Ji Seungwoo terluka oleh kehilangan dan kesedihan yang tak tergantikan dari persahabatannya selama 22 tahun. Tetapi suatu hari dia menemukan anak kucing kecil yang manis, menunggu di dalam kotak kardus di depan pintunya. Sebagai pria yang lembut dan baik hati, ia memutuskan untuk membawanya pulang. Namun, setelah bangun keesokan paginya, dia tidak lagi di tempat tidur dengan bayi kucing yang lucu, tetapi seorang pria dewasa yang tampan ?! "Saya adalah pemilik orang ini!" Katanya! Tetap disini untuk melihat bagaimana hubungan Seungwoo dan Mr. Kucing berkembang ...! Chapter 1 dan 2 baca disini https://www.chichananime.com/2019/02/cat-in-cardboard-box-bahasa-indonesia.html

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    Kyung-soo's spent the past three years trying to forget about one traumatic night. It isn't until he meets Dong-hyuk that he gets a full night's sleep. One night without the nightmare of being tied down by a room full of men under the watchful eyes of Yule.

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    Después de la pérdida de su fiel perro, Winter, Ji Seungwoo se siente herido por una pérdida irremplazable y la tristeza de su compañía de 22 años. Pero un día se encuentra con un adorable gatito esperando en una caja de cartón junto a la puerta de su casa. Siendo el hombre gentil y bondadoso que era, decide llevarlo a casa. Sin embargo, al despertarse a la mañana siguiente, ya no está en la cama con un lindo gatito bebé, ¡sino con un hombre adulto y guapo! "¡Soy el dueño de esta persona!" ¡él dice! ¡Estén atentos para ver cómo se desarrolla la relación de Seungwoo y el Sr. Cat ...!

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