
    Genre(s): Josei, Sci-fi

    Updated Time: Jan 18, 2023

  • Pastoral Bible

    Pastoral Bible

    A being from another dimension was summoned to the human world by a rebellious high school student. She reminisces about her hometown while he just wants to go home. Living together they start to become more and more dependent on each other while being unaware of the secret connecting them.

    Genre(s): Long strip, Romance, Comedy, Adventure, Drama, Web comic, Supernatural, Mystery, Full color

    Updated Time: Aug 15, 2022

  • Who is the Prey

    Who is the Prey

    A beautiful and successful lady tries to reclaim her life after she gets caught in a twisted game of revenge by a wicked and cruel man.

    Genre(s): Crime, Drama, Romance

    Updated Time: Aug 11, 2023

  • Mystery (Jin Qiu)

    Mystery (Jin Qiu)

    For what reason was a creature from another world called by a rebellious student. She just wants to live and he wants to return home, but the longer they stay together the more they depend on each other and discover the sinister mystery they hide. Ru Инопланетное существо «пастырь душ» был призван на Землю старшеклассницей-бунтаркой. Он всем сердцем хочет вернуться вместе с ней на свою родину. Со временем они привыкают друг к другу и открывают страшную тайну...

    Genre(s): Adventure, Comedy, Drama, Mystery, Romance

    Updated Time: Jun 04, 6000

  • Wolf’s Lies

    Wolf’s Lies


    Genre(s): Long strip, Drama, Web comic

    Updated Time: Jan 01, 2023