• 30 Day Fiancée

    30 Day Fiancée

    --- - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.peanutoon.com/ko/comic/detail/6767) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.bookcube.com/toon/detail.asp?webtoon_num=220015) - [Original Webtoon ](https://ridibooks.com/books/1515021893) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.toomics.com/uplmscg/episode/toon/6434) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.anytoon.co.kr/episode_page.html?ind=6729) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.comico.kr/comic/7861) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.mrblue.com/webtoon/wt_000051344) - [Original Webtoon ](https://page.kakao.com/home?seriesId=58596515) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.lezhin.com/ko/comic/the_fiancee_on_the_30th) - [Original Webtoon ](https://series.naver.com/comic/detail.series?productNo=8109413) - [Original Webtoon ](http://www.yes24.com/Product/Goods/106384289) - [Original Webtoon ](https://www.aladin.co.kr/shop/wproduct.aspx?ItemId=289246503)

    Genre(s): Historical, Long strip, Romance, Drama, Fantasy, Web comic, Adaptation, Full color

    Updated Time: Jan 27, 2023

  • The 30 Day Engagement

    The 30 Day Engagement

    Just before she gets hit by a huge truck, Inseo Han, an ordinary South Korean woman who worked in a research lab, receives a text message offering her a special journey, new relationships, and opportunities for extra income. Determined to make it out of the situation alive, she accepts the offer and soon finds herself in the Raotwan Empire of Laseania as Duke Adrian’s 12th fiancee candidate, Isella Derhen.

    Genre(s): Drama, Fantasy, Romance, Shoujo, Webtoons

    Updated Time: Jan 20, 2023