Thirty years ago a series of meteorites rained down on Earth, destroying much of civilization. Decades later, pockets of humanity are beginning to reemerge, but many of the children who have been born after the crisis have been mutated by radiation from the meteorites. They are called the Meteorite Breed.

    Tooi, a fourteen years old kid that eats a lot, is one of the
    Meteorite Breed. But he is a rare one...

    Genre(s): Action, Adventure, Comedy, Sci-fi, Shounen, Supernatural

    Updated Time: Oct 26, 2016

  • Yoshitoo-sama!


    A poor boy (with no family) who goes to a rich school gets attacked by ninjas but is protected by his sudden & unwanted guardian. It turns out he is the heir to a rich father who wants to make up for leaving him, however the rest of the family wants this new heir dead!! Assassins of all kinds show up to eliminate Yoshitoo, who only wants a normal life and doesn’t want any money or his father. But weird things just keep happening to him. Description by LuffyNoTomo

    Genre(s): Action, Comedy, Shounen, School Life

    Updated Time: Jun 09, 6000