• Continue To Be Killed Summer

    Continue To Be Killed Summer

    High School Girl Shinku and her childhood friend Hiroki were attacked and murdered by a mysterious man after school one day. Believing themselves to be dead, they are surprised when they suddenly wake up and it's the morning of that fateful day again. Now armed with the knowledge of the day's events, the teens will repeatedly struggle to change their fate.

    Genre(s): Horror, School Life

    Updated Time: Aug 14, 2019

  • Eien Ni Korosare Tsuzukeru Natsu

    Eien Ni Korosare Tsuzukeru Natsu

    Shinku, una estudiante de preparatoria y HIroki su amigo de la infancia se han perdido, ¿repetir un día de terror, es real o acaso.... Después de la escuela, ambos pasan el rato divirtiéndose en el parque como siempre, pero al sonar el timbre de las 5 de la tarde, son atacados por un hombre misterioso y son asesinados. Y cuando se despertó, ¿por qué era la mañana del mismo día? Los dos tuvieron la misma experiencia. Y ahora se viene la noche del terror repetidamente. Ambos intentarán contraatacar con todos los trucos habidos y por haber para escapar de un bucle en el son asesinados eternamente. Shinku, a high school girl and Hiroki her childhood friend had been lost, repeat a day of terror is real, or maybe.... After school, both of them are spending enjoy time in the park as usual, but when the chime rang at 5 o'clock, they were attack by a misterious man and were murdered. And when she waked up, why it was the morning of the same day?. The both of them had the same experience. And now the repeated night of terror is coming. They will try counterback with every trick in the book to runaway from a bucle where they're killed for eternity.

    Genre(s): Comedy, Horror

    Updated Time: Aug 14, 2019